This is the complete list of members for halo, including all inherited members.
communicationBuffers | halo | protected |
CommunicationBuffers() | halo | inline |
CompleteReceives(CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
CompleteSimpleReceives(CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
ConfigureData(const state::base &inState) | halo | |
ConfigureData(const state::base &inState, const std::vector< int > &selectFields) | halo | |
ConfigureHalo(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionExtent, const std::vector< pcpp::IndexIntervalType > &haloExtents, size_t numHaloVar) | halo | |
ConfigureHalo(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &globalExtent, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionExtent, const std::vector< pcpp::IndexIntervalType > &haloExtents) | halo | |
ConfigureHalo(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &globalExtent, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionExtent) | halo | |
CreateHaloBuffers() | halo | |
CreateLocalHaloExtents(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &globalExtent, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionExtent, std::vector< size_t > &haloSizes) | halo | |
CreateLocalHaloExtents(std::vector< size_t > &haloSizes) | halo | |
CreateMessageBuffers(int numComponents) | halo | |
CreateRecvBuffers(const std::vector< pcpp::RemoteCollisionType > &inCollisions) | halo | |
CreateRemoteHaloExtents(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &globalExtent, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionExtent, std::vector< size_t > &haloSizes) | halo | |
CreateRemoteHaloExtents(std::vector< size_t > &haloSizes) | halo | |
CreateSendBuffers(const std::vector< pcpp::RemoteCollisionType > &inCollisions) | halo | |
CreateSimpleRecvBuffers() | halo | |
CreateSimpleRecvIndices() | halo | |
CreateSimpleSendBuffers() | halo | |
CreateSimpleSendIndices() | halo | |
CreateThreadRecvIndices(int threadId) | halo | |
CreateThreadSendIndices(int threadId) | halo | |
DestroyAll() | halo | inline |
DestroyHaloBuffers() | halo | |
DestroyRecvBuffers() | halo | |
DestroySendBuffers() | halo | |
doFill | halo | protected |
Fill() | halo | inline |
GlobalExtent() | halo | inline |
globalGridExtent | halo | protected |
globalPartitionExtent | halo | protected |
halo() | halo | inline |
halo(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &inGlobalExtent, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &inPartitionExtent) | halo | inline |
HaloBuffer(int fieldIndex, int directionIndex) | halo | inline |
haloBuffers | halo | protected |
HaloBuffers() | halo | inline |
haloRecvIndices | halo | protected |
HaloRecvIndices() | halo | inline |
haveNeighbor | halo | protected |
haveRecvData | halo | protected |
haveSendData | halo | protected |
localBufferSizes | halo | protected |
localHaloBufferExtents | halo | protected |
LocalHaloBufferExtents() const | halo | inline |
localHaloExtents | halo | protected |
LocalHaloExtents() | halo | inline |
localPartitionExtent | halo | protected |
numFieldComponents | halo | |
numPointsBuffer | halo | protected |
numStateComponents | halo | |
numStateFields | halo | |
numThreads | halo | protected |
NumThreads() | halo | inline |
ownHaloBuffers | halo | protected |
ownRecvBuffers | halo | protected |
ownSendBuffers | halo | protected |
PackMessageBuffers(const int messageId, const int componentId, const int numComponents, const double *sourceBuffer) | halo | |
PackMessageBuffers(const int messageId, const int componentId, const int numComponents, const double *sourceBuffer, const int threadId) | halo | |
PackSendBuffers(const state::base &inState) | halo | |
PackSimpleSendBuffers(const state::base &inX, int threadId) | halo | |
PackSimpleSendBuffers(const state::base &inState) | halo | |
PackSimpleSendBuffers(double inA, const state::base &inX, const state::base &inY) | halo | |
PartitionExtent() | halo | inline |
PeriodicDirs() | halo | inline |
periodicDirs | halo | protected |
PostReceives(CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
PostSimpleReceives(std::vector< int > &sourceRanks, CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
ReceiveMessage(const int messageId, const std::vector< int > &neighborRanks, CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
recvBuffers | halo | protected |
RecvBuffers() | halo | inline |
RecvCollisions() | halo | inline |
recvCollisions | halo | protected |
RecvIndices() const | halo | inline |
recvIndices | halo | protected |
RemoteHaloBufferExtents() const | halo | inline |
remoteHaloBufferExtents | halo | protected |
remoteHaloExtents | halo | protected |
RemoteHaloExtents() | halo | inline |
ReportSimpleBufferContents(std::ostream &outStream) | halo | |
Send(CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
sendBuffers | halo | protected |
SendBuffers() | halo | inline |
sendCollisions | halo | protected |
SendCollisions() | halo | inline |
sendExtents | halo | protected |
SendIndices() const | halo | inline |
sendIndices | halo | protected |
SendMessage(const int messageId, const std::vector< int > &neighborRanks, CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
SetFill(bool yesno) | halo | inline |
SetGridInterval(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &inExtent) | halo | inline |
SetLocalBufferSizes(const std::vector< size_t > &inBufferSizes) | halo | inline |
SetLocalHaloExtents(const std::vector< pcpp::IndexIntervalType > haloExtents) | halo | inline |
SetLocalPartitionExtent(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &inExtent) | halo | inline |
SetNeighbors(const std::vector< bool > &inNeighbors) | halo | inline |
SetNumThreads(int numThreadsIn) | halo | inline |
SetPartitionInterval(const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &inExtent) | halo | inline |
SetRemoteHaloExtents(const std::vector< pcpp::IndexIntervalType > haloExtents) | halo | inline |
SetThreadExtent(int myThreadId, pcpp::IndexIntervalType threadInterval) | halo | inline |
SimpleSend(std::vector< int > &neighborRanks, CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
stateFieldIndices | halo | |
StateFieldIndices() | halo | inline |
threadBufferExtents | halo | protected |
threadExtents | halo | protected |
ThreadExtents() | halo | inline |
threadHaloBufferIndices | halo | protected |
threadRecvBufferIndices | halo | protected |
threadRecvIndices | halo | protected |
threadSendBufferIndices | halo | protected |
threadSendIndices | halo | protected |
UnPackMessageBuffers(const int messageId, const int componentId, const int numComponents, double *targetBuffer) | halo | |
UnPackMessageBuffers(const int messageId, const int componentId, const int numComponents, double *targetBuffer, const int threadId) | halo | |
UnpackReceiveBuffers() | halo | |
UnpackSimpleRecvBuffers(int threadId) | halo | |
UnpackSimpleRecvBuffers() | halo | |
Wait(CommunicatorType &inComm) | halo | |
~halo() | halo | inline |