PlasCom2  1.0
XPACC Multi-physics simluation application
NavierStokesBC.C File Reference
#include "NavierStokesBC.H"
#include <cmath>
Include dependency graph for NavierStokesBC.C:

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int ResolveBCName (const std::string &inName)
std::string ResolveBCType (int inType)
void LinearSponge (const std::vector< size_t > &bufferSizes, int normalDir, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &spongeRegion, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionOpInterval, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &opBufferInterval, const double *bcParams, const int *bcFlags, const int numEquations, const std::vector< double *> &stateBuffers, const std::vector< double *> &targetBuffers, std::vector< double *> &rhsBuffers)
void SpongeZone (const std::vector< size_t > &bufferSizes, int normalDir, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &spongeRegion, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &partitionOpInterval, const pcpp::IndexIntervalType &opBufferInterval, const double *bcParams, const int *bcFlags, const int *iMask, const int disabledMask, const int numEquations, const std::vector< double *> &stateBuffers, const std::vector< double *> &targetBuffers, std::vector< double *> &rhsBuffers)