PlasCom2  1.0
XPACC Multi-physics simluation application
SATUtil.sav.f90 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  t_nasapolynomials


module  satutil


subroutine farfield (numDim, bufferSizes, numPointsBuffer, patchNormalDir, patchSizes, numPointsPatch, numPatchPointsOp, patchPointsOp, gridType, gridMetric, jacobianDeterminant, bcParams, gasParams, rhoBuffer, rhoVBuffer, rhoEBuffer, viscousFluxBuffer, numscalar, scalarBuffer, rhoRHS, rhoVRHS, rhoERHS, scalarRHS, rhoTarget, rhoVTarget, rhoETarget, scalarTarget)
subroutine slip_adiabatic (numDim, bufferSizes, numPointsBuffer, patchNormalDir, patchSizes, numPointsPatch, numPatchPointsOp, patchPointsOp, gridType, gridMetric, jacobianDeterminant, bcParams, gasParams, rhoBuffer, rhoVBuffer, rhoEBuffer, numscalar, scalarBuffer, rhoRHS, rhoVRHS, rhoERHS, scalarRHS, rhoTarget, rhoVTarget, rhoETarget, scalarTarget)
subroutine noslip_isothermal (numDim, bufferSizes, numPointsBuffer, patchNormalDir, patchSizes, numPointsPatch, numPatchPointsOp, patchPointsOp, gridType, gridMetric, jacobianDeterminant, bcParams, gasParams, rhoBuffer, rhoVBuffer, rhoEBuffer, numscalar, scalarBuffer, rhoRHS, rhoVRHS, rhoERHS, scalarRHS, rhoTarget, rhoVTarget, rhoETarget, scalarTarget, muBuffer, lambdaBuffer)
subroutine roe_mat (numDim, inCV, outCV, gamma, normDir, tMat, tInv, lambda, status)
subroutine sat_form_roe_matrices_tp (u_in, u_out, ND, gamma, gamref, norm, tmat, tinv, lambda)
subroutine sat_form_roe_matrices (ND, u_in, u_out, gamma, norm, tmat, tinv, lambda)
subroutine sat_form_roe_matrices_test (ND, u_in, u_out, gamma, norm, metricData, tmat, tinv, lambda)
subroutine dissipationweight (numDim, bufferSize, numPoints, bufferInterval, sigmaDissipation, sigmaDilatation, dilatationRamp, dilatationCutoff, divV, sigmaDiss)
subroutine sat_form_roe_matrices_modified (u_in, u_out, gamma, norm, MT1, dir, ND, tmat, tinv, lambda)
subroutine sat_form_roe_matrices_multispecies (u_in, u_out, p_in, p_out, MT1, JAC, u_ref, ND, dir, nAuxVars, gamma, tmat, tinv, lambda)
subroutine pderivative_roe (RHO, en_ROE, Y_ROE, u_ref, nAuxVars, dp_drho_bar, dp_de_bar, dp_drhoY_bar)
subroutine poly4temperature (rho, rhoe, Qaux, numSpecies, dimTempFactor, Tout, printVal, iterOut_out, errorOut_out, errorCode)
subroutine poly4errorprint (rho, rhoe, Qaux, Tout, error, iter)